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F.A. Isotta, C. Frei,V. Weilguni, M. Percec Tadic,P. Lassegues,B. Rudolf,V. Pavan,C. Cacciamani,G. Antolini, S.M. Ratto,M. Munari,S. Micheletti, V. Bonati, C. Lussana, C. Ronchi, E. Panettieri, G. Marigo, and G. Vertacnik, 2013: The climate of daily precipitation in the Alps: development and analysis of a high-resolution grid dataset from pan-Alpine rain-gauge data. Int J Climatol, 34, 5, 1657–1675.
V. Pavan, G.Antolini, G.Agrillo, L. Auteri, R. Barbiero, V. Bonati, F. Brunier, C.Cacciamani, O. Cazzuli, A. Cicogna, C. De Luigi, L. Maraldo, G. Marigo, R. Millini, E. Panettieri, S. Ratto, C. ROnchi, S. Saibanti, A. Sulis, F. Tomei, R. Tomozeiu, I. Torlai, G. Villani , 2013: The ARCIS Project. Ital. J. Agromet.,2/2013, 51-55.